Partial Return Calculator to Compare Full Season, Relay-Intercrop, and Double Crop Production Systems
Laura Lindsey, Eric Richer, Alex Lindsey, and Greg McGlinch
Profitability of production systems can be extremely variable depending on input and commodity prices. We've developed an excel-based calculator to help estimate profitability of various cropping systems.
Click here to download the Production System Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate partial return of six different production systems:
- Winter wheat only
- Winter wheat + straw
- Full season soybean (soybean only)
- Winter wheat (grown in 15-inch row width) with soybean intercropped
- Winter wheat followed by double crop soybean
- Winter wheat + straw followed by double crop soybean
This calculator uses default values for crop prices, inputs, field operation costs, and estimated crop yield from various sources to calculate partial return of these six production systems. However, next to each dafault value, you can put in your own production costs to customize to your farming operation.
This research was generously funded by the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program.