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  1. OARDC Farmer's Market Is Today (8/18)

    August 18, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — The OARDC Mid-week Farmer's Market takes place today (8/18) from 3-6 p.m. in the Fisher Auditorium parking lot at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), 1680 Madison Ave. Fresh local produce, ba ...

  2. A Taste of Science Tempts Buckeye Students

    Ohio State's Department of Food Science and Technology, in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, entices students to learn the science of food. From "Chocolate Science" to "Wine and Beer in Western Culture,&quo ...

  3. Dr. Jim Harper's Retirement Reception


  4. Graduate student orientation

    This is an orientation session for new incoming graduate students. ...

  5. Fall Semester Welcome Back Lunch!

    All FST students, faculty and staff are invited to join us in the Parker Lobby for a welcome back lunch. ...

  6. OSU at IFT mixer

    If you are planning on attending the IFT Annual Meeting in July, don’t forget to purchase your ticket to the department’s annual OSU at IFT reception. The reception will be held on Sunday, July 14th 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Hilton Chicago in the Joliet room. ...

  7. OSU Extension Supports Local Foods

    Ohio State University Extension supports local food system development and sustainable agriculture. ...

  8. Holiday Greetings from the College


  9. A Taste of Science Tempts Buckeye Students


  10. Find Your Fit in Food Science and Technology

