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  1. 2016 Ohio Farm Custom Rates

              Custom rates are the agreed upon cost paid to someone for doing a piece of farm related work.  That work could be related to tillage, planting, forage harvesting, combining field crops, spreading fertilizer, hauling manure etc.  In this publicat ...

  2. 2016 4-H Camp Detour Information

    Dear 4-H members and parents, We hope you're excited about 4-H Camp this week and we look forward to seeing you at camp tomorrow Wednesday June 29th.  We recently became aware of a road closure on State Route 514 south of Nashville, which is on the w ...

  3. Cooking Matters


  4. Cooking Matters


  5. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    In this week’s column, Jason Hartschuh, Crawford County Extension Educator provides us with some reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. Shrink comes in many forms; field losses, storage, ...

  6. Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House

    Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House  Saturday July 23. Brewing? Growing? Thinking of Growing? Visit commercial Ohio hop yards and talk to the growers. Please give us a heads up that you're coming by clicking on the RSVp form on the Ohio H ...

  7. Are You Prepared for the VFD?

              Most livestock owners are probably somewhat acquainted with the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) that is scheduled to go into effect on January 1 of 2017.  The purpose of the VFD is help insure the judicious use of antimicrobials (think antibioti ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: June 14, 016

    June Link Newsletter, Welcome New 4-H Program Assistant Nicole Swavel, 4-H Fun Fair Volunteers Needed and Extra Raffle Tickets Available, Marcia Brueck's Retirement Open House- June 24th, Tuesday Night Summer Horse Fun Shows, State Fair Livestock Ent ...

  9. The Secret Gardens of Bellbrook

    Please join us for a day of exploration and discover six enchanting and diverse sites in our public parks with the Secret Gardens of Bellbrook. Learn about native plants, composting, garden design, succulents, reforestation and other gardening topics. The ...

  10. Practice Good Grazing Management During the Summer

    Our recent period of above 80 degree days with no rainfall demonstrates how quickly we can go from saturated soils to looking forward to some rain.  For the livestock owner dependent upon pasture growth, our recent weather pattern of 80 degree plus days w ...
