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  1. Giving New Life to Tired Pastures


  2. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense)


  3. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass


  4. Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game


  5. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests


  6. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready


  7. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    Andie Majewski, Graduate Teaching Associate and Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Feed is the largest cost of production on dairy farms. Because of this, it is critical to know the regional e ...

  8. Free Flu Vaccine for Dairy Farmers and Farm Workers

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has allocated more than 100,000 doses of seasonal influenza vaccine to 12 ...

  9. Starter Success for Dairy Calves

    Elizabeth Plunkett, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University At birth, a calf’s rumen is not fully functional, and milk bypasses the rumen via the esophageal groove to be digested in the abomasum. As the calf g ...

  10. If Cows Make Their Own B-vitamins, Should We Worry About Supplementing Them? – Part II

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Introduction In part 1, we introduced the fundamentals of B-vitamin nutrition for dairy cows. Ruminants have a unique advantage when it comes to B-vitamins b ...
