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  1. Volume 18, Issue 1


  2. Dairy Calf Management Workshop

    Mr. Rory Lewandowski, Extension Educator, Wayne County, The Ohio State University OSU Extension Wayne County is hosting a Dairy Calf Management Workshop on Tuesday, March 8 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.  The workshop consists of morning classroom sessions a ...

  3. Labor Management Series: Farm Transition to Non-Family

    Mr. Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, OSU Extension Tuscarawas County I was asked recently to assist an area farmer sort through the complexities of his farm transition plan.  This farmer worked hard all of his life, built a successful diversified farm, a ...

  4. Employing Minors on Your Farm

    Mr. Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, OSU Extension Tuscarawas County It may be hard to believe, but the snow and cold winter weather will eventually be behind us and it will be time to get busy in the fields.  In a few short months, students will be gett ...

  5. Farm Labor for 2014 Versus 2015: Field Versus Livestock Workers

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University The USDA National Agricultural Statistics (NASS) publishes the Farm Labor report twice annually (May and November). Some of the data from the Novem ...

  6. Update on Collegiate Dairy Judging and Dairy Palooza

    Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University The OSU Dairy Judging Team of Laura Bond, Colton Harstine, Ella Jackson, and Meghan Sanders participated in the contest located at the Fort Worth Stock Sh ...

  7. Archive


  8. Resources

            Many different management areas exist on dairy farms. Crop management. including harvesting and storage, is important in reducing costs of production and having high quality feed of sufficient supply available for all of the livestock on the farm. ...

  9. Human Resource Management

    Human Resource Management Agricultural Labor Management (University of California) Animal Science Jobs (external site- animal industry) Human Resources Management (Penn State University) Liability for Visitors to Farm Property Ohio Labor Laws ...

  10. Dairy Records

    Dairy Herd Improvement Associations: National DHIA Ohio DHI Cooperative, Inc. Dairy Records Management Systems, Raleigh, NC Dairy One DHI Provo General Information on Computer Programs: Comparing Computer Software for Agriculture ...
