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Raised Beds Effective in Blueberry Production
raised beds." The results are part of an Ohio State South Centers at Piketon study to identify crops ... a result, we get better production- a better root, a better plant, and over time, more plants surviving per ...
Plant Pathologist Honored Nationally for Soybean Rust Work
Soybean Council soybean check-off dollars and federal grants, is the result of a collaborative effort ... a given growing season. As a result, farmers have saved an average of $15-$18 an acre on fungicide costs-- ...
Yield Research Long-Term Solution to Biofuel Demands
years," said Zulauf. Several options are brought to the table as a result of trying to meet that demand: ... Zulauf said, from a historical perspective, yield research on crops have resulted in substantially higher ...
Want to Save on Fertilizer? Run a Soil Test
evaluate the results, and follow recommendations based on specific crop production systems. Mullen will ... related to yield, so once they are present at adequate concentrations adding more would not result in ...
Animal Welfare Regulations Would Impact Ohio's Agriculture Industry
California's Proposition 2 would result in decreased production and lost jobs, specifically within Ohio's ... out of business because they can't compete. The end result is that we'd lose much of our ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Oak from Acorn? A-OK! (for the Week of Sept. 6, 2009)
winter, and then they'll sprout and grow in spring. Or store them in a safe, cold place — in your ...
Despite Shaky Start, Wheat Looks Promising in Home Stretch
year than last year and that was probably because of the mild winter, which allowed the leaf rust ...
Chow Line: Vitamin D and heart health: jury still out
during the winter. And the older you get, the harder it is for your body to make vitamin D. So, ...
Chow Line: Meaning of dates on canned goods varies (for 8/29/10)
bag in your trunk, and if it's in the middle of winter and there's a chance the food inside ...
Garlic Breath? Science Says Eat an Apple
tired of this study.’” The researchers found some results that surprised them. “When we looked at the ...