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  1. Steps to keep Palmer amaranth out of your operation

    established infestation.  However, a pollinator seeding program in Iowa this year resulted in many new ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-22

    soybeans near normal. It will be interesting to see this year's results. Predicting leaf development ... growth combine to tear the smallest lower leaves from the plant. This results in degeneration and ... from 785 to account for the estimated thermal time to emergence, then dividing the result (665) by 82 ...

  3. Honors and Scholars

    organizaton.  As part of Class 13, Eddie participated in leadership programs and spent Winter Quarter 2012 in ...

  4. Winter Shooting Sports Adult Leadership Workshop


  5. OARDC Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    a result of the widespread use of DDT and other long-lasting residual insecticides, bedbug (Cimex ... common assumption today is that pesticide resistance in bedbugs results from point mutations in certain ...

  6. Stink bug factsheet for soybean growers

    warmer temperatures in recent winters and summers, more of the bugs have begun traveling north, he said. ...

  7. Alumni Connection Spring 2016

    group continues to hold small, informal gatherings for alumni under the age of 30. This winter, the ...

  8. New Phytophthora Research to Speed Up Plant Protection

    produces a more informative result than the standard marker technology. "A standard marker amplifies ... partial resistance works against any Phytophthora isolate that exists. The result is partially resistant ...

  9. Corn Stover Removal Decreases Soil Carbon, Impacts Crop

    soil temperature and store more water for plant use, resulting in higher crop yields. "The results ...

  10. Corn Leaf Diseases Could Spell Yield Troubles

    characteristic," said Lipps. "As the leaves age, the lesions may merge resulting in significant leaf ... damage." Gray leaf spot development is favored by extended periods of high humidity resulting in heavy dew ...
