
Search results

  1. Land Selection and Preparation

    maximum winter survival and yield potential. Drilled, medium-season soybean varieties, planted early yield ...

  2. 2023 Water Quality Wednesdays

    Join OSU’s Water Quality Extension Associates for their annual winter webinar series focusing on ...

  3. Autumn Forage Harvest Management

    that are used for winter survival and regrowth next spring. And every spring we hear of weak stands ... coming out of the winter, and after asking questions we learn that in many of those cases of weak stand ... weakened the stand going into the winter. Forage producers around the state have been finishing the third ...

  4. Producing Wheat in 15-Inch Rows

    stimulate fall growth, tillering and improve winter hardiness. Because the seeding rate per foot of row for ...

  5. Weather Update: January 2023- A Month of Soil Moisture Recharge

    Summary Did it feel like winter was largely absent during January? If so, you are not alone, and ...

  6. Our Annual Article to Nag about Fall Herbicides and Cressleaf Groundsel

    weedfree field until sometime in April when giant ragweed and a few spring-emerging winter annuals start to ... Scout now for cressleaf groundsel and other winter weeds in hayfields and pastures (2021) Scout now for ... links to winter annual weed ID info Five things to know about fall herbicide treatments (2015) Winter ...

  7. Winter Malting Barley Trial Results Available

    and Raj Shrestha Due to growing interest in winter malting barley, we conducted a nitrogen rate ... Summary of Nitrogen Rate Results: We evaluated the effect of four spring N application rates: 0, ... first-year research reports and Malting Barley Production Guide can be found here: ...

  8. Winter Life of Bats Discussed at Oct. 28 Escape to the Forest Session

    ( about the lives of Ohio bats during winter. Where are they hibernating? How are they dealing with ...

  9. Variety Selection

    weight, good winter hardiness, good straw strength and disease resistance. Information on variety ...

  10. Another Article about Fall Herbicides?!

    because fall applications are the most effective treatment for overwintering species. Winter annuals like ... the first year of their life cycle are sending nutrients down to the roots in preparation for winter ...
