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Slug Feeding Injury Rampant for Crop Growers as Near-record Warm Winter Causes the Pests to Attack Weeks Earlier than Normal
spring for slugs as the near-record warm winter Ohio has experienced this year has caused these plant ... warmer winter and March,” he said. “The warmer weather and soil temperatures have caused slugs to hatch ... earlier and are resulting in slugs beginning their heavier feeding earlier.” Winter 2012 was the warmest ...
Slug Feeding Injury Rampant for Crop Growers as Near-record Warm Winter Causes the Pests to Attack Weeks Earlier than Normal
spring for slugs as the near-record warm winter Ohio has experienced this year has caused these plant ... the warmer winter and March,” he said. “The warmer weather and soil temperatures have caused slugs to ... hatch earlier and are resulting in slugs beginning their heavier feeding earlier.” Winter 2012 was ...
Spreading Manure on Frozen Ground Option for Producers, But Proper Application Crucial
January 18, 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Saturated field conditions last fall and early this winter have ... "Constant changes in weather are typical of winters in Ohio and neighboring states, which increases the potential ... Rausch, reminded producers that winter manure application should be done only as a last resort-- because ...
Ohio's Wheat Struggling Under Wet Weather, Diseases
December 3, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- Prolonged heavy rains during winter wheat planting have resulted ... wheat to be planted on time so that it produces three to four tillers before winter dormancy, and our ... survive through winter and produce an economically viable crop next spring. "Research has shown that ...
Ohio Experiencing Population Explosion of Red Admiral Butterflies
snowy winter may have helped the over-wintering butterflies survive till spring. "Ordinarily we ... don't have many butterflies that over-winter here. But we had a lot of snow this past year that may have ... provided enough insulation for the butterflies that did over-winter to survive," said Bloetscher. ...
Late-Planted Wheat May Struggle This Winter
than the recommended planting date, increasing the risk of winter kills, poor stand quality and minimal ... "The chance of winter kill is increased with late-planted wheat," said Paul. "In addition, ... tillers per foot of row." In order to survive winter dormancy and produce a healthy crop in the ...
Southern Ohio Corn at Risk for Stewart's Wilt
Ohio's mild winter, higher populations of flea beetles (the insect that transmits the bacterium) may have ... blight. "One of the things that impacts Stewart's wilt is the winter temperatures. The flea ... beetle survives the winter in the soil and if you get a harsh winter, populations go down. But if you ...
Despite Planting Delays, Wheat Getting Good Marks
news for strong crop establishment before winter sets in. "You want the wheat well-established by ... we'd like to see wheat go into winter with three to four tillers per plant." The more tillers ... a wheat plant has, the higher its chances for surviving through winter. Because of the late planting of ...
Chow Line: Watch sugar intake over holidays (12/14/12)
corn syrup, honey, malt syrup, or molasses. Or more simply: Eat fewer processed foods and more fresh ...
New Pesticide Applicator Training- October 2, 2019
Conferences in the winter. Registration $35 Morning Session - Core/Trained Service Persons $30 ...