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Best Management Practices for Winter Manure Application
less than ideal, which would definitely include winter-time application. The top priority of any ... Practice Standard 633- Determining The Most Limiting Manure Application Rates for winter application. ... Additional winter application criteria for fields with significant slopes more than 6% include manure shall ...
Getting that Last Cutting of Alfalf
period, cold resistance and energy reserves for winter survival are built up. A killing frost for alfalfa ... critical fall period despite the increased risk of winter injury. Research shows that often the tonnage ... there is the increased risk of winter injury and ultimately shorter stand life by stressing alfalfa in ...
What Are Your Bedding Options- is $100/ton Straw an Option?
Wheat fields are thin and straw is hard to find this year. Straw price went sky high last winter and ... a great bedding source but also removes coverage that helps prevent winter soil erosion. One option for ... erosion. Even if it is oats that does not over winter, the cover helps avoid erosion. On average, one ton ...
Living with Lower Quality and Limited Amounts of Forage
State University The numerous freeze-thaw cycles and wet ground last winter were very hard on alfalfa ... stands, resulting in substantial winter kill. Numerous stands across the State were completely destroyed. ...
Getting the Last Cutting of Alfalfa
critical period, cold resistance and energy reserves for winter survival are built up. A killing frost for ... during the critical fall period despite the increased risk of winter injury. This year rainy weather has ... critical fall period, several factors can moderate the risk of winter injury: Young, healthy stands are ...
Planting Small Grains in Late Summer and Autumn for Supplemental Forage
will be 75 to 85%. If an early spring forage harvest is desirable next year, winter triticale and ... winter rye should be included in a mixture, with the spring oat and spring triticale planted in late ... August and early September. Late September to October Plantings Wheat, winter triticale, and winter rye ...
Northeast Ohio Grape Field Day
management skills and how to manage grape vines after winter injury during a workshop and winery tour ... the grape industry is recovering from multiple severe winter injury events in 2014 and 2015. For more ...
Emergency Forages for Planting Early to Mid-Summer
across Ohio this past winter, and the wet spring has further deteriorated the few stands that initially ... appeared they might recover from winter damage. It is now too risky to try to establish new perennial ...
Ohio Vernal Pool Partnership- Brush off your Muck Boots and Step Out- 2 workshops
withstand competition or predation by fish. They fill with the rising water table of fall and winter or with ... the meltwater spring snow. Many vernal pools in our area are covered with ice in the winter months. ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification
certification training in winter 2016. Registration is free and includes lunch. Pre-registration is required. ...