
Search results

  1. Benefits To Adding 4-H In The Schedule

    means to be responsible. 4-H youth who bring home an animal either in the fall, winter, or spring; these ...

  2. Follow the Road of Caution When Traveling During Harvest Season

    of corn has been harvested, soybeans harvested is at 87 percent, winter wheat planted is at 93 ... percent and winter wheat emerged is at 57 percent. This data was taken from the Ohio’s County Journal Crop ...

  3. Erik Ohlson

    Matuszewski D, Voli M, Ohlson E, Neugebauer A, Ahamed A, Neal C, Winter A, Becker S (2011) Anthropocene ...

  4. How To Handle Holiday Ham

    during the winter holidays more than any other time of year, according to the U.S. Department of ...

  5. Pierce A. Paul

    stand assessment of soft red winter wheat. Agronomy Journal 112: 4069-4075. Anderson, N. R., Freije, A. ... spring and winter wheat. Plant Dis. 102:2500-2510. Simon, A. C. M., Lopez-Nicora, H. D., Niblack, T. L., ... of Brome Mosaic Virus and its impact on the development and yield of soft red winter wheat. Plant ...

  6. Make plans now for dormant fruit tree management

                    Hopefully, this is enough to keep you busy through late fall and winter. If you are interested in ...

  7. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium, Fall Herbicide Applications

    overwintering species”. Essman share that “The dry pattern this fall may have reduced winter annual weed ...

  8. Post-Fair Life in 4-H

    about how bored we, the Ohio State University (OSU) Extension Staff must be during the fall and winter ...

  9. Tips to enjoy a favorite time of the year

    intake decreases when the weather is colder since we spend most of our time inside during the fall/winter ...

  10. Soil and Nutrient Management is Key in Fruit and Vegetable Production

    potassium, in the fall and allowing time during the winter to break down and become available to the plant is ...
