
Search results

  1. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    season fertilization not be confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization Late season nitrogen ... confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization. The latter method implies that fertilizer applications ... better fall and winter color; earlier spring green-up; increased shoot density; improved fall, winter ...

  2. Plant Empowerment Workshop Online

    university CFAES Summer in Winter: Ohio's red-hot greenhouse industry A Special salute to our powering ...

  3. Dean's Charity Steer Show Brings in 'Unbelievable Support'

    WCMH-TV Channel 4- with 4-H member Caroline Winter of Pickaway County  Mark Berven, president and chief ...

  4. The Feathered Superhighway Over our Heads with Dr. Chris Tonra- Columbus, Ohio

    their breeding and wintering grounds. Over the course of their lives, some will make voyages that rival ...

  5. Hardin County Homemakers'

    during the fall and winter seasons. They would learn the newest strategies and technologies to improve ... residents to participate in including countywide programs in the spring and winter, a health program, and ...

  6. Master Gardener Coffee Series- Fun with Herbs

    Final harvest for winter cooking, Uses for the home, herbal wreaths, growing tips and more! ...

  7. Events Calendar

    artificial Christmas trees that highlights the local and global supply chains of winter holiday decorations.  ... small groups with individual coaching from instructors.  More information is available here. Winter ...

  8. Rust is occurring several months earlier than normal

    Due to mild winter weather conditions the disease called RUST is active on lawns. This disease has ... until late July, August or the autumn. Hard winters kill the spores of this fungal disease. The pathogen ... USA where it over winters in the milder climates. Since rust is developing so early and due to drought ...

  9. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    season fertilization not be confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization Late season nitrogen ... confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization. The latter method implies that fertilizer applications ... include: better fall and winter color; earlier spring green-up; increased shoot density; improved fall, ...

  10. Alumni in the News

    Fieldwork Tips for Winter Wheat  Rodney Kissell, BS Agricultural Education 1968, MS Agricultural Education ...
