
Search results

  1. Bring on the Heat

    homes in the summer or winter, dairy cows are the same. They have upper and lower critical temperatures, ...

  2. Pricing Standing Forage Crops – Your One-Stop Shop

    are a dual-purpose crop for dairy farmers – winter ground cover and spring forage source.  Sometimes ...

  3. Ohio Dairy Producer Webinar Series

    winter to provide producers with timely updates on risk management strategies, milk market outlook, farm ...

  4. 3.5 Acre Research Lake

    Arboretum program presented at the 1996 Winter College, Naples, Florida, Janet Oberliesen and the Arboretum ...

  5. It's BOGO Time!

    preparing for winter and renewing Chadwick memberships. Attached is information about Chadwick Arboretum’s ...

  6. Willow Collection

    hues.  Through the winter, stems exhibit a colorful variety of reds, oranges, purples, and golds.  With ...

  7. Short-Season Forages for Late Summer Planting on Dairy Farms

    rye and wheat (there is also a winter biotype that acts like winter wheat). In our research, oat ... Oat or Spring Triticale and Winter Cereal Mixed Silage Planting mixtures of oat or spring triticale ... with cereal rye, winter wheat, or winter triticale will allow a fall harvest or grazing as well as ...

  8. Seeding Perennial Forages in Late Summer

    stubble in late November to improve winter survival.  Do NOT cut any other species in the fall, especially ... for alfalfa that control late summer and fall emerging winter annual broadleaf weeds. A mid- to late ... for winter annual broadleaf weeds. Fall application is much more effective than a spring application ...

  9. Chamaecyparis Obtusa

    Anna Williamson, Chadwick Arboretum Horticultural Assistant Going into winter is difficult for just ... through winter, the most common being evergreens. Chamaecyparis obtusa, or Hinoki Falsecypress, is ...

  10. Beef Sire Selection for the Dairy Herd

    10, Al Gahler presented via Zoom during the OSU Extension Beef Team’s 2021 winter beef school on ...
