
Search results

  1. Organic Agriculture

    cover crop cocktail that is made up of 10 different types of cover crop seeds, such as winter peas, cow ...

  2. Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab affiliates present research at annual wildlife meeting

    network and get engaged. Presented papers by TWEL affiliates: Influence of Winter Weather on Microhabitat ...

  3. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    a few. The winter newsletter will include multiple agencies and universities to give Ohio a view of ...

  4. Container Fruit Production May Have Good Potential in Ohio

    feasible; 3. Provide an effective method of winter protection for blackberries; 4. Extend the fruit harvest ...

  5. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    a Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop at Ten Sites Across the US Cornbelt. Bioenergy Production and Carbon ...

  6. CD Wire- March 5, 2018

    Centers Connections Newsletter (Winter 2018 Achievements Edition) Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (February ...

  7. Tweaking our research and demonstration vineyards to help grape growers produce wine grapes in southern Ohio and beyond

    his colleagues at Cornell University, Aromella is a winter-hardy white wine grape with high potential ...

  8. CD Wire- February 5, 2018

    ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: Stone Lab Winter Program- February 19: The 2018 Stone Lab Winter ...

  9. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    winter. That’s because excluding bats from a building means blocking their entry and exits points, and ...

  10. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    mix. I have over wintered my geraniums in the past, and they will do well inside if you have a sunny ... a great choice for summer fun and winter house plants. For more information on home, lawn, indoor, or ...
