
Search results

  1. Winter Tree ID Workshop

    Winter Tree ID Brochure ...

  2. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    season fertilization not be confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization Late season nitrogen ... confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization. The latter method implies that fertilizer applications ... include: better fall and winter color; earlier spring green-up; increased shoot density; improved fall, ...

  3. Poa annua in Golf Greens, Winter Damage

    annua in a creeping bentgrass green showing the impact of winter injury. A green with large areas of Poa ... annua showing severe winter injury. Patches of Poa annua that are a tan or bronze color. A patch of Poa ...

  4. Poa annua in Golf Greens, Winter Damage

    annua in a creeping bentgrass green showing the impact of winter injury. A green with large areas of Poa ... annua showing severe winter injury. Patches of Poa annua that are a tan or bronze color. A patch of Poa ...

  5. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    amendments in the fall and they have all winter to work their way into the soil. Fall Garden Clean-up:  Rake ... in the spring.  Winter's freezes and thaws will break up any churned-up clods. Sowing fall cover ... crops:  I sew some of my garden areas in winter rye.  Cover crop roots improve soil structure and provide ...

  6. Delayed Wheat Planting

    reduced winter hardiness. The effect of planting date on wheat yield is shown in Figure 6-2 of the Ohio ...

  7. Dollar Spot Applications

    Ok, so we didn’t have much of a winter to speak of. Temperatures are in the middle 70’s to low ... dormant, and most of us would agree our turf didn’t go into winter in the best of shape. Now consider the ...

  8. Lawns Coming Out of Winter

    cover of snow in the winter. If the crowns of the grass plants were not eaten by the critters and are ... nimblewill (Muhlenbergia schreberi). Damaged spots from pet urine during the winter. If the salt levels are ...

  9. Lawns Coming Out of Winter

    cover of snow in the winter. If the crowns of the grass plants were not eaten by the critters and are ... nimblewill (Muhlenbergia schreberi). Damaged spots from pet urine during the winter. If the salt levels are ...

  10. Dollar Spot Applications

    Ok, so we didn’t have much of a winter to speak of. Temperatures are in the middle 70’s to low ... dormant, and most of us would agree our turf didn’t go into winter in the best of shape. Now consider the ...
