
Search results

  1. SENR's Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab To Participate in Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference

    change and winter weather patterns. Gabriel R. Karns (with co-authors Robert J. Gates, Stephen N. ...

  2. Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab affiliates present research at annual wildlife meeting

    network and get engaged. Presented papers by TWEL affiliates: Influence of Winter Weather on Microhabitat ...

  3. Super Berry School

    Growers can learn how to assess whether blackberry crops or grapevines have experienced winter ...

  4. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    a Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop at Ten Sites Across the US Cornbelt. Bioenergy Production and Carbon ...

  5. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    winter. That’s because excluding bats from a building means blocking their entry and exits points, and ...

  6. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    mix. I have over wintered my geraniums in the past, and they will do well inside if you have a sunny ... a great choice for summer fun and winter house plants. For more information on home, lawn, indoor, or ...

  7. Summer Grafting Workshop

    for example, can be grafted onto the roots of a crabapple tree that laughs at terrible winters ...

  8. Hellebore – Soon the first flowers of the hellebore will Welcome Spring

    this area, their green leaves show through the snow all winter and in very early spring they bloom with ... winters, and the common varieties will remain green even in the snow.  However, their leaves often look ...

  9. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    to remain in northeast Ohio through the winter.  Juveniles returned with their parents after their ... first winter and dispersed soon after returning, eventually settling with the summering flock of ...

  10. TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis

    behavior in raccoons. Of the four parental dyads, none were recorded to share dens during winter. Although ... den sharing occurred throughout the winter, the incidence of den sharing increased markedly during the ...
