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  1. Rust is occurring several months earlier than normal

    Due to mild winter weather conditions the disease called RUST is active on lawns. This disease has ... until late July, August or the autumn. Hard winters kill the spores of this fungal disease. The pathogen ... USA where it over winters in the milder climates. Since rust is developing so early and due to drought ...

  2. Grain Storage Management

    Winter.  Klein E. Ileleji, Extension Engineer Purdue University.  Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter article, ...

  3. Benefits of Late Fall Fertilization

    season fertilization not be confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization Late season nitrogen ... confused with dormant and/or winter fertilization. The latter method implies that fertilizer applications ... include: better fall and winter color; earlier spring green-up; increased shoot density; improved fall, ...

  4. Fall Manure Applications and Cover Crops a Good Fit

    than 15 pounds of ammonium nitrogen per 1,000 gallons. When Ohio experiences a warm winter or delayed ... cool-season grass for capturing excess nitrogen. Because rye over-winters, research has shown it can capture ...

  5. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    For any livestock business that is pasture based, the approaching winter season typically ... through the winter while maintaining proper body condition and herd health will likely be the one making ... winter most beef cows in Ohio: hay. Nutrient content of feed. 2017 was a challenging year to make quality ...

  6. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

    plenty of time for recovery before winter is still a sound and very safe recommendation, particularly on ... period more necessary for plants to accumulate adequate reserves before winter. So a fifth cutting taken ... alfalfa on moderately or poorly drained soils.  Low plant cover going into the winter from late cutting ...

  7. Cover Crop Considerations

    produce a lot of growth and help reduce winter annual weed populations.  The large taproots help aerate ... through the Wayne County Extension office. Cover crops after winter wheat can also be a source of forage ...

  8. Considerations for Vegetable Gardening

    garden on the porch, that’s much different than a large garden to supply food during the winter by doing ...

  9. Stockpile Forage to Reduce Stored Feed Costs

    through about the mid-winter period.  The cool season grass species best suited to stockpiling is tall ... decline into the winter months.  Under the same conditions of nitrogen application and rainfall, ...

  10. Summer Calf Hutch Management

    advantage in the winter, but not the summer months.  When considering summer hutch location, think about ...
