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Winter Feeding Guidelines for Sheep and Goats
have limited access to an indoor barn or shed. Both sheep and goats are capable of adjusting to winter ... hair sheep. In fact, these animals most often prefer to be outside on a winter day, even if they have ... requirements balanced to the production stage. The energy content of the ration must increase when winter ...
Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing
want to extend the grazing season into late fall and/or winter. To stockpile forage, take a last ... grass to stockpile, especially for late winter grazing, because it holds its forage quality value better ... that they are grazed off by early winter. Variables that influence the success of stockpiling are ...
Cover Crops Offer Options
continue growing in the spring. Other crops will only grow during the fall season and die off in winter ... spring of 2020 may be a season to harvest our winter cereal crops as either hay or straw, depending on ...
Grazing Crop Residue
residue will help to protect the soil over the winter until crops are established next spring. Thinking ...
Alfalfa Weevil Scouting
mild winters, such as what we experienced this past year, the egg stage of the weevil may survive. We ... are coming off a comparatively mild winter and we have also had some stretches of above average early ...
Winter Feeding of Beef Cows
Recently, Steve Boyles, OSU Extension beef specialist wrote an extensive article on winter ... “The period from approximately 60 to 90 days prior to calving affects the calf subsequent ... weather stress. The general rule of thumb is to increase winter ration energy 1 percent for each degree ...
OARDIP Newsletter Archive 2013 Winter (PDF format) 2012 Summer (PDF format) 2011 ... Fall (PDF format) 2011 Winter (PDF format) 2010 Winter (PDF format) 2009 Summer (PDF format) ... 2009 Winter (PDF format) 2008 Summer (PDF format) ...
Prevent Winter Slips and Falls
Winter brings icy conditions to the farm, with an increased risk for slips and falls resulting in ... injury. Recently the OSU Extension Ag Safety program released the following tips to help prevent winter ...
Fall Seeded Small Grains for Cover Crops and Spring Forage
thoughts on choosing which small grain matches your need. Winter wheat, barley, triticale, and cereal rye ... the least winter hardy small grain and should be sown earlier in the fall with an ideal planting date ... declines rapidly in palatability and quality from the boot stage on. It is the most winter hardy of all ...
Fall Management Practices for Wheat
reduces fall wheat growth resulting in reduced winter hardiness. If planting is delayed until the third ... foot of row). 4.) Planting depth is critical for tiller development and winter survival. Plant seed ... ground. Shallow planting is the main cause of low tiller numbers and poor over-winter survival due to ...