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  1. Don't Fear The Fall

      In the winter, walk as though snow and ice are present. They may not be visible. Take slower and ... your cane Carry rock salt or kitty litter in your car in the winter to sprinkle on slippery sidewalks. ...

  2. Look Out! It Is Skunk Season!

    Late winter is known for many seasons.  If you are a maple syrup producer, it is sugaring season. ... If you are an outdoor winter activity type it is ski season.  Unfortunately, this time of year is ... mates after leaving their winter dens.  What makes skunks so stinky? This time of year, February to ...

  3. Puerto Rico Experience Encourages Cultural Understanding

    culture and their daily life.” For Tracy Winters, state 4-H educator for shooting sports and natural ... Castañer, and their heritage was amazing to witness,” said Winters. Brady said watching the group bond and ... I watched them bond and develop relationships that will continue long after they return to Ohio.” Winters ...

  4. Post-Harvest Sanitation in Orchards and Vineyards Can Reduce Disease Pressure

    disease management steps to consider before we button everything up for the winter and look ahead to ... over winter in the soil or on infected plant debris. Some diseases do not over winter in our area of ... the country, but fore the ones that do, they are largely unaffected by the severity of the winter ...

  5. Storage of Fall Fruit and Vegetable Crops After Harvest

    look at storing some crops to sell throughout the winter and early spring. Some commonly stored ... throughout the winter months when other crops are unable to be locally grown and sold. These storage ... putting away crops over winter include finding varieties that are better suited for winter storage, ...

  6. Calendar of Events

    Dec. 1. December 10, Ohio Military Kids Winter Wonderland (Central Ohio) —1 p.m.–4 p.m. Military ... families can join the Ohio Military Kids program for a free Winter Wonderland event on Saturday, Dec. 10. ... Crafts, snacks, family activities, and a special visit from Santa are included. Winter Wonderland is from ...

  7. OSU Resources to Keep You Connected During Winter

    Winter’s impending arrival brings about an opportunity for rest and recovery and a time to reflect ... on 2022 and prepare for 2023. Winter is also a time to take advantage of opportunities to refresh ... other events. There are several ways for you to stay connected with Extension throughout the winter ...

  8. Take Advantage of Autumn and Winter Squash Varieties

    daylight after work.  As I passed by a display of winter squash last week, I overheard the comment, “I’d ... a little basic information to get started. Winter squash tend to include darker varieties such as pumpkin, ... winter squash to have a longer storage life, sometimes 2-4 months in a cool place (50-55 degrees). Don’t ...

  9. New Pesticide Applicator Training- May 10, 2023

    recertification credits, please attend one of our Commercial Recertification Conferences in the winter ...

  10. Grants Help 4-H Grow

    were priceless!” Under the guidance of Tracy Winters, 4-H professional in Gallia County, “Come Discover ... Winters said, “Making specific connections to project books helped participants see how they can apply ...
