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  1. Practical Tips to Improve Calf Welfare in Cold Weather

    State University As winter approaches, low ambient temperatures and high humidity pose serious ... winter, fostering robust growth, development, and improved welfare within their herds. Sources: 1.  Roland ... hutch during winter, conserving body heat. Photo credit: Kimberly Reuscher.   Figure 2. Calf jackets are ...

  2. Winter Calf Management

       Pay close attention to winter ventilation, keeping barns or hutches warm is not the goal. Keeping ... ways to do this. With hutches, it usually means having either permanent winter windbreaks or temporary ... windbreaks, like straw bales. Winter winds seem to change and bring cold nasty weather out of every direction, ...

  3. Fall Forage Management

    winter. Allowing for enough top growth will also allow the plant to increase its energy reserves to initiate rapid ... that the plants are prepared for the coming winter. Most importantly, if soil pH is below a 6.5, you ... you will have an opportunity to harvest your fall seeding prior to winter dormancy. The recommendation ...

  4. Corn Silage Pricing

    forages:  1) Plant a fall or winter cover crop. Spring oat, spring triticale, and annual/Italian ryegrasses ...

  5. Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage

    Winter damage is difficult to predict and the variability of temperatures this past winter across the ... forage field, winter damage may be a major concern, particularly for forages with taproots like alfalfa. ... survivability for the following winter. Heaving With temperature variability and freeze-thaw cycles, heaving is ...

  6. DIBS

    Winter Annual Forages for Dairy (DIB # 38-20; April 2020)   Feed Ingredient Substitution (DIB # 37-20; ...

  7. Disease Prevention: Making the Most of Your Spring (and every day) Cleaning Practices

    effectiveness in winter conditions. How Much C&D is Enough? If you want your C&D to be successful, ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    typically seen through post-holidays through winter. In this issue, the Class III future for February is ...

  9. Precision Livestock Farming for Dairy Producers

    University Extension This winter, the OSU Extension Digital Ag team is offering a 6-part Zoom series on ...

  10. Dairy Judging Team Update

    am the following morning. Travel in the winter is an enigma, but these warriors braved it for the ...
