Yield-Limiting Factors in Ohio Soybean Production

Benchmarking Soybean Production Systems in the North-Central USA


The primary goal of this project is to "benchmark" current yield and management practices in producer fields across the North Central region. The "benchmark" data will help identify those key management ractors across the region that can be used by individual producers to increase soybean yield on their farms, and do that with an input-use efficiency that will improve the bottom-line net profit. The "benchmarking" project started in October 2015 with funding support from the North Central Soyean Research Program and other state soybean boards. The project is led by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of Wisconsin, but includes collaborators in other key soybean producing states- Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Ohio.

For a preliminary report summary of 2014 and 2015 data click here.


Ohio Soybean Yield Limiting Factor Study

In 2013, 2014, and 2015, with funding from the Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a state survey of yield-limiting factors in Ohio soybean production. Factors influencing soybean yield the most included:

  1. Planting date- On average, fields planted before May 16 yielded 5 bu/acre more than fields planted May 16 or later.
  2. Soybean cyst nematode- On average, fields with less than 200 eggs/100 cc soil averaged 3 bu/acre more than fields with over 200 eggs/100 cc soil. (Over 80% of the fields surveyed had detectable levels of soybean cyst nematode.)
  3. Soil phosphorus- Fields with adequate soil P (at least 15 ppm Bray P) yielded on average 7 bu/acre greater than fields with inadequate soil P (less than 15 ppm Bray P).
  4. Soil potassium- Fields with adequate soil K (variable depending on the soil's CEC) yielded on average 7 bu/acre greater than fields with inadequate soil K.

Click here for more results.